Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Kelly Crabb #2

Here's another photo from Friday's photo shoot with Kelly Crabb. This one was taken shortly after the previous image; lighting setup was about the same also. The location was the pedestrian alleyway behind Yaga's on the Strand in Galveston. Black and white conversion was done with Nik Silver Efex; white emulsion edge was done with OnOne PhotoFrame; and the black negative edge was from Kevin Kubota's Sloppy Edges package. Let me know what you think of the black and white here. I think I've always had it in my mind that black and white was for an image with exposure issues -- and that the conversion offered a quick fix. I've been hesitant to do that with these images of Kelly because they are pretty clean straight out of camera. This one, however, seemed to work pretty well in black and white. I'm posting the color image below.


  1. Of course, I like the B&W version. I think it fits the overall scene better. Nice lighting on her face.

  2. I like the black and white conversion better, especially since I like the background texture but not the colors.

    Blue denim and white work well in black and white.

  3. I notice you seem to have lost the catch lights in her eyes in the conversion to black and white.

    Was the lighting set up the same as the first image?

  4. Good question about the catch lights. One of the ongoing issues we had Friday was wind, so I think both Larry and I opted for minimal light modifiers on the flashes, ie no umbrellas. Right near the end of the shoot we used a small softbox that could be handheld. So, I think the resulting catchlights were very minimal, probably not visible on this on-screen jpg.

  5. Taking a closer look at the photo, I think we moved the flash off to the camera left down a bit, which did a nice job filling the face. On the other hand, you can see some shadows crepping upwards from the crossed arms.

  6. Well done Steve!

    I like the composition and light and I really like the pose with Kelly's arms parallel to her shoulders at an angle to her head. Everything adds up to being a very pleasing portrait!

